life is too short for all of that...
hey guys...just thought i'd give you a quick update: well things had been going all wrong and i was not too thrilled to say the least. to say the most i was stressing out so bad i was losing my...
View Articleah yes...real life
howdy ya'll alrighty quick update, i know it's been a while. went to florida for spring break and had an amazing time. i cannot wait to live there! i met so many people and spent quality time with my...
View Articlelove...
love is not just that mushy feeling or the butterflies you get in your stomach when that special someone is around. it's showing people you barely know your inner jesus. sometimes i wish everyone had a...
View Articleit's been a good while i know...
went to a wedding last night. really awesome food. apparently gettin hitched is the thing to do these days. i could go for havin a wedding...let's all find us someone to love! growin up is pretty much...
View Articleah...the peer pressure
10 random facts about me: 1. i ride with my feet on the dashboard 2. i sing pretty much all the time 3. people ask me if my eyelashes are real (strange) 4. i fold the toilet paper 5. i like my guys...
View Articletime for my story of the, last week
now we all know i tell stories all the time...well this one is definitely worth the time. get ready kids cuz here's what happened: so i got this new job right..about 13 miles away from home. i travel...
View Articleand the longest entry ever...
wow so i didn't fall off the face of the earth, i've just beena little not busy at all lately...well, kinda. so i get back from kamp (absolutely loved it and do every year...but this year was SO my...
View Articlethe results are in!
welp guys...the test came back. i pretty much have some serious mono goin on, what is this world coming to? seriously ya'll, i don't know how i even got this stuff...but i feel like a shannon's life...
View Article[update!|since_she_wont]
so, no allison doesn't have mono anymore, and man, she hasn't had that stuff in a LOONG time. and i'm pretty sure she doesn't use words like "phooey" anymore. since her july update, she's been to...
View i am after a million years!
wow so i know, i'm about to get dogged for how long i haven't been on because it's quite literally been almost a year. this being said (ya'll are gonna laugh at me) for those of you with not so obvious...
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